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Worth Valley Primary School

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Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)

Year 2

Year Two

Hello and welcome to our Year Two class page. Here we will share all the wonderful things we do in our class.


Useful reminders:

Our PE days are Monday and Friday,

Please remember to bring reading books everyday.


Reading Practice Sessions (Little Wandle Phonics)

In Year Two our Reading Practice sessions take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We work in small groups with an adult and read a book that is matched carefully to our phonic ability. We then take this book home to give us chance to continue to build fluency and confidence. Please can children bring their reading book every day.

What are we learning about in Summer 2?

Summer 2 learning year 2 home learning sheet


What are we learning about in Spring 2?

Spring 2 learning year 2 home learning sheet

What are we learning about in Spring 1?

Spring 1 learning year 2 home learning sheet - Copy

Here are some highlights of our learning:


In Science we have been learning about the uses of everyday materials. We carried out various investigations such as testing which material would make the best bridge, and which material is the most waterproof.

Science-Spring- year 2



In our art lessons we studied paint and mixed media. We investigated the primary colours and did experiments to see what colours we could make when we mixed them together. We investigated the different textures we could make with paint using different materials. We also created collages. We are really proud of our finished work.

Art Spring 1 year 2






What are we learning about in Autumn 2?

Autumn 2 English-

We are reading two books this half term, our current book is ‘Pumpkin Soup’ By Helen Cooper. We will be doing lots of work around prediction and comprehension. We will be writing letters, and doing lots of work around the story’s characters and setting. We will be spending time looking at expanded noun phrases and alternative endings.

Our second story of the term is a BIG surprise but there is a special time of year coming up and this story is perfectly suited! Why don’t you take a guess which story you think it is?



Autumn 2 Maths –

In Maths this half term we are looking at addition and subtraction. We will begin by looking at our number bonds to 10 and 20, before moving on to 100. We will look at adding 3 numbers and crossing 10 and 20. During our Maths lessons we look at how we can solve Maths problems in different ways, we use lots of resources and manipulatives to answer questions, we love busy hands on Maths lessons!


Autumn 2 DT (W.C 14.11) –

In DT this half term we will be creating pouches. We will be looking at sewing a running stitch and sewing two pieces of material together, we will explore different designs and look at how we can decorate our pouches using sequins, buttons, ribbon and other different textiles.


Autumn 2 History –

In history this half term our topic is explorers, Neil Armstrong. We will be looking at the different events leading up to the 1969 moon landing and the significance of this. We will be putting the different events we learn about in chronological order, and looking at the space race between Russia and America.



Autumn 2 PSHE – Relationships – Safe relationships

This half term we will be focusing on how to recognise a safe relationship, identifying hurtful behavior and talking about managing secrets, revisiting pressure and how to ask for help.


Autumn 2 Science – Animals including humans (Lifecycles)

In science this half term we will be looking at lifecycles, we will be starting by identifying the stages of the human life cycle before exploring the lifecycles of different insects and animals.


Autumn 2 RE – Light

In RE this half term we will be looking at light and symbolism of light. We will be looking at how Christians name Jesus the light of the world, and focusing on the story of Christmas and the meaning of this to Christians.

Our Learning from Autumn 1

Autumn 1 English –

In English this half term our theme was space, we looked at four different stories this half term. ‘Whatever next’ By Jill Murphy, ‘Man on the moon – A day in the life of Bob’ By Simon Bartrum, ‘Dr Xargle’s book of Earthlets’ By Jeanne Willis and ‘Beegu’ By Alexis Deacon. We spent time looking at our year 2 writing skills, and how we apply them to our writing. We did lots of story sequencing activities and character profiles. We looked at alternative endings and using adjectives in our writing.


Autumn 1 Maths –

We use white rose Maths for our lessons, and enjoy lots of different activities. We start off our day with morning maths usually calculations but we also look at different activities depending on our learning for the day. This half term we are focusing on place value. We have been looking at reading and writing numbers to 100 words and numerals, tens and ones, and partitioning numbers.  Our calculations strand has been focusing on addition, and we practice our timetables on a Monday. This half term we have been looking at our 2X tables.

Autumn 1 Art –

In Art this half term we looked at drawing and all the skills we need, we explored different mark making techniques and looked at how texture can be represented, we looked at working co-operatively with our partners and making in critiquing our work. For our final piece we drew an arrangement of different objects.

Autumn 1 Geography –

In geography this half term we have been looking at the world. We identified the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world, we looked at the climates across the continents and which animals are native to them.


Autumn 1 PSHE – Relationships- Families and friendships.

In PSHE this half term we have been discussing friendship and how we make friends, we have identified how to be a good friend and promote positive play.


Autumn 1 Science – Animals including humans (Growth)

This half term in science we have been looking at growth in animals and humans, we thought about the basic needs for survival and explored a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and hygiene. We worked scientifically to look at the effects of cleaning our hands with soap, and cleaning our hands with just water.

Autumn 1 RE –

In RE this half term we have been looking at new beginnings. We focused on how Christians welcome a new baby, and how Muslims welcome a new baby. Comparing a baptism and an Aqiqah. We visited our local church and discussed symbolic gifts for newborn babies.



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