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Worth Valley Primary School

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Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)

Year 2 Monday 1st March

Monday 1st March 2021

I hope you all had a lovely half-term. Here is your learning for today. Remember I love to see your work and hear how you are getting on. Please email any pictures or your work or any questions to me s.hiley@worthvalleyprimary.co.uk    or Mrs Grant   s.grant@worthvalleyprimary.co.uk

Today is a very special day. It is Hygge day! Hygge is a Danish concept that cannot be translated to one single word it is a feeling of cosyness and enjoying the simple things in life.

To get ready can you wear anything that make you feel comfy and cosy today. It could be a comfy, cosy jumper or a nice pair of wooly socks!

I will list a variety of Hygge activities and you can choose the ones you would like to do.

Please email us/ put on the facebook page any photos of you feeling hygge!!

Activity 1  – meditation

Activity 2 –   Enjoy a hot chocolate or a warm up of sweet tea. Nothing feels more cosy than enjoying a lovely cup of something warm!

Activity 3 – Cook something yummy with a  loved one! It could be something simple but it is a nice feeling to be proud of what you have created together.


Activity 4 – Find an old photo album and have a look at some photos from when you were little!


Activity 5 – Make a den! I loved doing this as a child! An easy way to feel comfy and cosy.


Activity 6 – Yoga!

Activity 7 – Go for a nice relaxing walk!


Activity 8 – Gardening! Maybe you could go into an outside space and do a little gardening! You could help pick up the leaves, remove any weeds or even plant some flowers ready for Summer!


Activity 9 – Make a card for someone special. It could be for a friend or for someone at home. It will definitely put a smile on their face!

Activity 10 – Take a photo with your favourite cuddly toy.

Story time

In this section


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