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Worth Valley Primary School

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Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


What are we learning this half term?

Summer 2

Summer 2 learning year 5

Summer 1

Summer 1 year 5


This half term, our learning has being based outdoors. We have used skills from other areas of the curriculum, including maths and DT to solve problems, read maps and give clear directions. Have a look at  some of the shelters we have created.



This half term was art week. We have had an amazing week studying the work of Cai Guo Qiang and the art work he created using objects and explosives.  We hope you enjoy having a look at our work:

Art Installation art

What are we learning this half term?

Spring 2

Spring 2 learning year 5

Design and Technology

This half term, we have learnt about food and nutrition.

Spaghetti Bolognese


World Book Day

World Book Day


This half term, we are carrying out a local study of Saltaire and the Industrial Revolution. We have been to visit Saltaire, using maps to locate where it is in relation to Keighley. Some of us were surprised to learn that it is still a part of Bradford.



We had an amazing, cross curricular, trip to Magna in Sheffield. The experiences we had linked to our History topic on the Industrial revolution, where we watched ‘The Big Melt’. A show that demonstrated how the steel industry worked and the lasting impact that had on Sheffield. We were shocked to learn that they broke a world record for the amount of steel produced in one day.

Our Science was enhanced through the changing materials workshop where we learnt about the chemical reactions that take place when everyday household products are mixed. You can see some of our videos and photos under the Science area of this half terms learning.

During our tour around the old steel work factory, we entered pavilions linked to the four elements, enrichment was provided linked to Science, Music and our previous Geography topic on natural resources.

Magna – The 4 elements x


Following on from our previous topic where we looked at the properties of materials; this half term we are investigating the changes of materials. This links to our DT topic on food, where we will experience the irreversible changes that occur when cooking spaghetti bolognese.

We recently visited Magna, where we took part in a workshop based on changing materials. We loved the experiments and observes some amazing changes of materials. Have a look at some short video clips here: Changing materials.

Magna – Changing Materials




What are we learning this half term?

Spring 1 

Spring 1 learning year 5


This half term our topic for science is ‘properties of materials’ We have conducted numerous investigations including testing solubility, hardness and thermal insulators. Our science topic has been hands-on and fun. We have learnt how to make predictions, record results and come to conclusions. Have a look at some of our practical sessions below:

Science new


We have loved learning about different forms of poetry this half term. We have grown in confidence and learnt how expression and language impacts how a poem is performed. We have written poems in different styles and linked some to our own experiences. We have loved our poetry topic and can’t wait for National Poetry Day later in the year.



This half term, our art topic was carefully chosen to link to our learning in English. We used sketching pencils to create portraits of ourselves. Using Stars with Flaming Tails, we them wrote our favourite Valerie Bloom poem over our portraits using tracing paper. After creating a paint washed background, these poems were them transferred onto our final poetry portrait.

We used photos of ourselves and recreated our faces by repositioning our images. Using mixed media, we then added paint, chalk, charcoal, felt tip or oil pastel to create our final masterpiece.



We have learnt all about natural resources and their importance in the world. We have looked at primary, secondary and tertiary resources, identifying the  UK as having a tertiary market. We were surprised to find that Chile provided so many precious metals. We created a final piece of work to showcase what we have being learning.


Recent News

Pledges to the Landscape – Working together with the Wildlife Trust

The Wildlife Trust are visiting year 5 for three sessions based on art and nature. During session 1 we had a great time, exploring outside and using different media to create art using different techniques.

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