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Worth Valley Primary School

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Worth Valley Primary School logo
Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)




At Worth Valley Primary School, we believe that teaching children to read is the most important gift we can give them.

phonics at WVPS


We have chosen Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised as our systematic, synthetic phonics (SSP) programme to teach early reading and spelling.

Phonics is one of the many skills needed to become a reader and writer.  We aim to give our pupils the best possible start on their reading and writing journey by teaching them the essential skills and knowledge to decode and encode words independently.  At this point of reading and writing, pupils will use phonics as their first strategy to read and spell unknown words until it is embedded and automatic for them. We provide pupils with the opportunity to develop this automaticity in reading practice sessions. We recognise that the development of spoken language and the enjoyment and comprehension of quality literature go hand in hand to develop a lifelong love of reading and aim to nurture and develop these attributes alongside the phonics programme.


To find out more about Little Wandle click the link below.



Phonics Information Meeting for Parents

In the Autumn 1 term we held phonics and early reading meetings to share how we teach phonics and reading in school and to show the books the children will bring home and explain how they will support them in their journey to become fluent, confident readers who have a real love of reading. It was brilliant to see so many parents and carers there and for us to have the opportunity to show our fabulous new books and resources.  If you were unable to attend the meeting please click the PowerPoint to find out more.


Phonics Progression at Worth Valley Primary School

Phonics teaching begins as early as Pre-School and Nursery. We focus on developing children’s speaking and listening skills and lay the foundations for phonics teaching. The emphasis during this time is to get children attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills.

The progression in Phonics for Reception onwards can be found in the document:

progression overview

Here are some useful documents to support your child at home:

grapheme_mats_phase_2_3_and_5 (4)






At Worth Valley Primary School, safeguarding is of paramount importance. We are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our children and staff in school.

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