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Worth Valley Primary School

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Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)

Nursery (Ladybirds) Remote Learning

Hi everyone! Hope you are all ok.  Here we are again.  I will put some activities on here linked to what we have been learning about in nursery over recent weeks so you can keep the little ones busy during their period of isolation.

Please send me any work you would like me to look at using my email address sarah.richardson@worthvalleyprimary.co.uk.

Bake!!!  Send me any pictures you take of any baking activities that you do at home.  Baking is an excellent activity for developing lots of skills and great for spending quality time with your child.

I have provided activities for you to choose each day.  Encourage your child to do as many as you feel appropriate.  The activities are similar to what we are doing in school each week. Have fun, stay safe and please email me anything that you have done.  I really would love to see what the children have been doing at home.

Children can access phonicsplay.co.uk online with the username – jan21 and the password is home.  Encourage the children to explore the phase 1 games.

Here are also a few ideas for extra optional activities that could be done at home with items you might have at home – have a look at the links below if you want some more ideas.

The Early Years Team have collated our very own 50 Things to do in Early Years in Lockdown list for you to have a look at if you want some other ideas for activities that can be done at home.

50 Things to do in Early Years in Lockdown

More activities for you to look at if you click on the links below –




I have uploaded a story for you to watch and listen to – I chose Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson.


Make Playdough / salt dough

Mix 2 cups of plain flour, 1 cup of salt, a splash of oil, 1 tbsp of cream of tartare with two cups of boiling water and food colouring. Mix well, allow to cool and knead until smooth. Get busy making, pressing, rolling and squeezing the dough with your hand.

See the source image See the source image


Thursday 24th June and Friday 25th June 2021

Minibeast focus

Watch a Minibeast Adventure with Jess.


As you know we had the creatures in from Sam’s Safari’s on Monday so please talk to your child about what minibeasts and other animals they saw.  What was their favourite?  What did they feel like when they touched them?  We learned lots of information about millipedes, giant snails, salamanders, stick insects, cockroaches and hedgehogs.  See what your child can remember.

Draw a picture of the creatures they saw.  Can they copy the name underneath if you write it.  Can they hear the initial sound of the word?

Practice counting syllables in a range of words.

Practice writing your name.

What rhymes with pig?  Say the words out loud – pig, wig, jig, tig, dig

Discuss what rhymes with cat?  cat, bat, rat, hat, mat, fat

Which one is the odd one out? – shark, park, dark, cow?  Repeat with other words that rhyme and one that doesn’t – can the children identify which one does not rhyme?

Count backwards from 10 -0.

Count to 10 / 20 / keep going!!!!

How fast can the children show you different amounts on their fingers? 1 finger, 5 fingers, 7 fingers etc

Play in the garden or go for a walk in the sunshine.  Talk about what you can see, smell, hear, touch.

Dig for minibeasts in the garden.

Share a story together with a hot chocolate.

Sing a favourite nursery rhyme.

Play a game on phase 1 phonics play – the login details are above.

Put some objects on a tray and take one away each time without the child looking – can they remember what is missing? (Kim’s Game)

Watch the jolly phonics songs for the different phonemes.


Monday 28th June – Thursday 1st July

Please choose a selection of activities above from last week and below to do with your child each day.  I look forward to seeing you all back in nursery on Friday 2nd July for our final weeks before the summer holidays.

Over the next few weeks we are thinking about the different jobs that people do and in particular real life superheroes such as the Police Force, Fire Service, People that work in hospitals, Dentists, Vets, Teachers and many more.

Sing the People who Help Us song

I would like you to talk to your child about the different jobs that people do – discuss what they do to help us and others.  Reflect on own experiences of visiting the doctors, dentist, vet etc and talk about what they did.

Can they draw/paint a person who helps us and can they copy their name underneath your writing?

Practice their name every day please.

Can they make a model of a vehicle such as police car, ambulance, fire engine, bus, using junk modelling materials?  Please bring it into nursery when it is completed please.

Watch the above link on youtube to practise the jolly phonics songs to help with letter recognition.

Roll a dice and practice recognising how many dots without counting the dots (subitising)  How fast can they do this?

Encourage your child to practice putting own clothes and shoes on / taking them off.

Go for a walk and talk about what you are looking forward to doing over the summer holidays.

Pair socks from the laundry basket.

Play a game with your child.

Practise counting to 10 / 20 and beyond

Draw a map of the journey you take from home to school together.

Share a story each day and talk about what is happening in the illustrations.

Sing a favourite nursery rhyme – the nursery children will know lots by now!

Go on a 2d shape hunt around your home – what shapes can you find?  Triangle?  Rectangle?  Circle?  Square?  Heart?  Star?

Search for 3d shapes around the home – sphere? (ball) pyramid?  Cube? (oxo cube? dice)  Cuboid? (cereal box? chocolate box?) cylinder (toilet roll, pringles tube)







Other links

Songs and rhymes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azIG0kLIlgs&safe=active https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jOzhiACB68&safe=active https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psUPYR235O8&safe=active https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0&safe=active https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrR


At Worth Valley Primary School, safeguarding is of paramount importance. We are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our children and staff in school.

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