Multi-sports club for nursery and reception
Thursday 20th June | No comments yet
National Thank a Teacher Day
Monday 17th June | No comments yet
Hi everyone, on Wednesday 19th June 2024 it is National Thank a Teacher Day. To celebrate, we would like every child in school to create a card to give a member of staff on that day to say ‘Thank you’. It could be a teacher, teaching …
Yorkshire Agricultural Countryside Day
Tuesday 11th June | No comments yet
Today years 5 and 6 went to the Yorkshire Showground to take part in numerous activities on a countryside day. We had an amazing day and the children behaved exemplary. We learnt lots about farming and the impac it has n the UK. There were …
Guitar Performance
Monday 10th June | No comments yet
Some of our children have been taking weekly guitar lessons with createmusic. On 4th July at 11am, they will be performing what they have learnt to the rest of school and their parents. We can’t wait to watch! Invites will be sent directly from createmusic …
Sound sound sound !
Friday 17th May | No comments yet
Year 4 had an amazing visit from Sam the Sound-man! They had an amazing day, learning all about how sound is created, the reasons we hear different sounds and created their very own musical instruments, where they could play different notes.
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CalendarAt Worth Valley Primary School, safeguarding is of paramount importance. We are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our children and staff in school.