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Worth Valley Primary School

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Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)

Religious Education






At Worth Valley Primary School, Religious Education (RE) is an exciting and thought-provoking subject where all children can learn and develop a respectful understanding about the different faiths of the world; developing mutual respect and community cohesion. Through our curriculum, we engage pupils in enquiring into and exploring questions arising from the study of religion or belief, to promote their personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  

We follow the Bradford’s Believing and Belonging Syllabus which covers the exploration of the six world faiths: Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.  The framework is enhanced through the opportunity to visit different special places of worship with interactive sessions led by a specialised faith tutor.  We believe it is vital that these visits take place to deepen their learning and understanding about different religions. 

Our local Church, St John’s, is visited regularly by different classes to explore units of work further with the support of Reverend Tracey, who leads these sessions.  St John’s Church is where we hold our whole school annual Christingle service in December and Reverend Tracey often visits our school to discuss key themes as well as Easter and Harvest with the children.   

In Early Years, we develop positive attitudes towards different faiths and religions with a focus on celebrating and exploring festivals such as; Diwali, Chinese New Year, Christmas and Holi. Differences and similarities between people are also respectfully explored through the PSED work we cover across the Early Years age phase.  This learning, understanding and respect for the different faiths is then built upon and enhanced as the children progress through school.   

Our learners develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold religious beliefs different from their own.  They are welcoming and understanding of people of all religions and love to experience different traditions from faiths around the world. 

RE Long Term Plan

Progression of RE Vocabulary

RE at home


14th January 2025

Reverend Tracy joined Year 3 to talk about the bible as part of our topic How does the bible help Christians to live a good life?

She asked the children to read the parable ‘The Good Samaritan’ They talked about the moral of the parable and how it would help them to live a good life.

RE visit 14.1.25


Photos from our trip to the Hindu Temple


Christingle 2024 at St John’s Church

All children made Christingles to take to church.

Reverend Tracey from St John’s Church, Ingrow regularly comes to school to spend time with the children.

Reverend Tracey came to talk about the Easter Story with Early Years children and children in KS1.

Whole School Christingle at St John’s Church.

Year 4 visit to the Gurdwara


Please note: Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education.



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