At Worth Valley, we encourage a love of science and exploring by teaching lessons that inspire pupils to be engaged and inquisitive about the world around them. Pupils will gain knowledge and understanding about the world we live in and develop their skills in working scientifically by participating in experiments and investigations. Pupils will also enhance their scientific vocabulary, oracy skills and subject knowledge. This knowledge is built upon from EYFS through to Year 6.
The Curriculum is planned, using Developing Experts, to ensure that pupils can deepen and consolidate scientific concepts through experiencing different types of enquiry. These enquiries are planned to ensure that children learn the skills to work scientifically – these skills are developed and built upon throughout each year group. Careers and how elements of science can enhance future prospects are experienced through videos of specialists linked to their learning. It is our belief that all children should have the opportunity to enquire and investigate the world around them.
Our science curriculum is enhanced through external visits to Magna, Nell Bank, Yorkshire Coal mining Museum, Harlow Carr, Tropical World and Cliffe Castle. We also invite WonderDome into school to enhance our topic on Earth and Space.
Through our curriculum children will:
- Know and remember a variety of Scientific concepts in depth, being able to articulate key facts and vocabulary.
- Have experienced a range of scientific enquiries and used these to deepen their understanding of scientific concepts.
- Have developed their skills to work scientifically and show an understanding of how they are transferred when learning about different scientific concepts.
- Demonstrate and articulate an interest for Science; understanding how Science is transferred into our everyday lives.
Science progression of vocabulary
Science progression of knowledge
Science at home
Yorkshire Days – Year 5 and 6
Science at Worth Valley Primary School
At Worth Valley Primary School, safeguarding is of paramount importance. We are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our children and staff in school.