Tuesday 6th July
Maths Tuesday
Activity sheet symmetry activity
English tasks:
Click the PowerPoint below for your handwriting, writing, and reading task.
Tuesday 6th July English task (PowerPoint)
The PowerPoint explains each task but they are typed below if you can not access PowerPoint.
Handwriting: Please go on the Letterjoin website to practise forming the letters u, w and e
Username: lj8943
- If you are using a laptop the password is: home
- If using an ipad or tablet the password is: capital L (Make the shape of a capital L)
Writing task: Can you write a recount of the school trip to Hesketh Farm?
Reading task: Can you read the poem Roar!?
Roar! poemCan you read it few times to increase fluency?
Can you learn the poem and read it off by heart?
Grammar tasks:
I have sent you a grammar task as a 2Do on Purple Mash. If you are unsure of your log in please email me at s.hiley@worthvalleyprimary.co.uk
I have sent you some coding tasks to complete on Purple Mash. You were experts at coding in our computing lesson last week.
Just Listen Time:
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